Neidio i'r prif gynnwy


Grym darlunio gweledol: O gelf ogof hynafol i offer cyfathrebu modern
A visual illustration of a blog that shows various elements.
A visual illustration of a blog that shows various elements.
Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Pobl ag Anableddau | Lleihau arferion cyfyngol yng Nghymru
A group of people are sat at a table and talking as they look at papers during a workshop.
A group of people are sat at a table and talking as they look at papers during a workshop.
Cyfranogi, egwyddorion, a diben | Hwyluso Cymuned Ymarfer Cymru Gyfan ar gyfer Ymddygiadau Sy'n Peri Gofid
A group of people are sat around a table during a workshop.
A group of people are sat around a table during a workshop.
Creu Gweledigaeth Genedlaethol ar y cyd ar gyfer Plant a Phobl Ifanc ag Anabledd Dysgu yng Nghymru
A lecture theatre is full of people watching five people on stage give a talk.
A lecture theatre is full of people watching five people on stage give a talk.
Archwilio ddulliau gwahanol i helpu rhaglenni gwaith cymhleth Newydd
Two teams of people are stood side by side on a green garden surrounded by trees.
Two teams of people are stood side by side on a green garden surrounded by trees.
Iaith a rennir – sut gall hyn ddatblygu gwelliant?
Rebecca Curtis, a woman with dark hair, smiles at the camera.
Rebecca Curtis, a woman with dark hair, smiles at the camera.
Meithrin gwybodaeth, sgiliau a gwerthoedd; Hyfforddiant Ymwybyddiaeth Anabledd Dysgu Paul Ridd
Paul Ridd, a man in a blue jumper, smiles at the camera.
Paul Ridd, a man in a blue jumper, smiles at the camera.
Adnoddau i gefnogi pobl ag anableddau dysgu yn ystod brigiad o achosion COVID-19
A cartoon woman is stretching as she sits up in bed.
A cartoon woman is stretching as she sits up in bed.
Blwyddyn yn ddiweddarach: Diweddariad gan Anabledd Dysgu Cymru
Improvement Cymru’s Learning Disabilities team stand next to a team member who signs a piece of paper.
Improvement Cymru’s Learning Disabilities team stand next to a team member who signs a piece of paper.
Sut mae Proffil Iechyd Unwaith i Gymru yn helpu i wella cysondeb, diogelwch ac amseroldeb gofal iechyd ar gyfer pobl ag anableddau dysgu
A doctor talks to an elderly woman in hospital.
A doctor talks to an elderly woman in hospital.
Adfer o'r Pandemig: Blaenoriaethau Gofal Iechyd i Bobl ag Anableddau Dysgu – y Gwiriad Iechyd Blynyddol
Two men are drinking water and tea as they sit and chat on a bench in the park.
Two men are drinking water and tea as they sit and chat on a bench in the park.
Lleihau Arferion Cyfyngol yng Nghymru
One hand holds another hand to guide a person.
One hand holds another hand to guide a person.
Pwysigrwydd Archwiliadau Iechyd Blynyddol (AHC) i bobl gyda anabledd dysgu
The front cover of a report is placed in front of a person in a wheelchair who speaks to a doctor.
The front cover of a report is placed in front of a person in a wheelchair who speaks to a doctor.
Pobl ag Anableddau Dysgu a'r Fframwaith Cydraddoldebau Iechyd: Adfer o COVID-19 yng Nghymru
A graphic with the text ‘Health Equality Framework.’
A graphic with the text ‘Health Equality Framework.’
Gothenburg, IHI, 'Fika' a fi: Dysgu o'r Fforwm Rhyngwladol ar Ansawdd a Diogelwch mewn Gofal Iechyd
A group of people smile towards the camera.
A group of people smile towards the camera.
The Adroddiad Effaith Y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol dros Iechyd a Rhagoriaeth Glinigol (NICE): Myfyrdodau
A healthcare professional gives a vaccination to a person with their sleeve rolled up.
A healthcare professional gives a vaccination to a person with their sleeve rolled up.
Hunaniaeth Gymdeithasol Gadarnhaol – Beth yw ein rôl mewn gwelliant?
Two people play the game Jenga.
Two people play the game Jenga.